data entry • farm & cost centre costs • benchmarking • cost reduction

Farm & Cost Centre Analysis

Reporting to identify costs by operation by crop, total costs by establishment, growth and harvest on a by hectare and by tonne basis. Identifies costs by cost centre if required..  Identify which cost centres and crops are profitable and where costs are high,  provides informed decision making on contacting in and profitability of contracting out.


Ever wondered where your costs are compared to other similar enterprises? Farmcosts benchmarking clearly displays your cost/hectare and cost/tonne (after harvest) against the average for the same crop and same operations or group of operations within the database for the same harvest year, analysis displays as a 'traffic light' system to show potential for improvement.

Farmcost seminars

An open forum to discuss best practice and compare costs. Identify best machinery and implement combinations and openly review work rates, cropping, yield and inputs.